
15 Best Things to Visit in Palawan Island (the Philippines)

El Nido and Coron are the first places that come to mind when most people think of Palawan. You would be completely insane to visit Palawan and skip these two northern regions. On this island, there is still plenty of opportunity for wildlife viewing, island hopping, wreck diving, and food consumption. It’s okay to veer off the usual road and find the next El Nido-type communities like Tay Tay and Port Baron, where the food is inexpensive, the beer is cold, and the beaches are much less crowded. You could also take a side trip to a mid-sized city like Roxas or Brooke’s Point, which are full of authentic Filipino food, beautiful waterfalls, wildlife sanctuaries, and memorable local experiences. The most memorable experiences are frequently found in unexpected places. Choose something from this list that appeals to you, then simply pack your bags and leave. Let’s investigate the top activities on the island of Palawan:

Visit Port Barton

Visit Port Barton
Port Barton

Go to Port Barton, a tiny fishing village on Palawan’s northwest coast. Imagine Port Barton as a less hip and crowded version of El Nido, where you can take advantage of all the same attractions for a fraction of the cost. Get an excellent tan while lounging on a sandy beach, go sea kayaking, explore rugged cliff sides, etc. You get the idea. Observe villagers as they go to school, go buffalo walking, or go fishing. There are lots of inexpensive places to stay in this area, but electricity is expensive. This means that none exist. In Port Barton, the majority of guesthouses use generators that shut down at night. Both fans and ATMs are absent.

Tabon Caves

The Tabon Caves are located at the very extremity of a sizable peninsula that projects off the southern half of Palawan. The Tabon Caves are important to the Philippines because they were one of the first places where people were found living. At this very location, the Tabon man’s artifacts and remains were discovered. The Tabon Caves are now a national museum as a result. The Diwata Cave and Liyang Cave are two sizable, cathedral-like caves that you can tour and explore. You can get directions and a ride over by hiring a boat. Your mouth will drop when you find the caves. The limestone formations hidden by tropical vegetation appear strange. There are small markers all over that tell about the past and tie the whole experience together.

Baker’s Hill

Consider visiting Baker’s Hill for a chocolate milkshake, a cup of coffee, or a complete meal after a long day of adventure tours. They serve a variety of seafood meals that include fish, crab, shrimp, and rock lobster. You can benefit from their seafood lunch buffet if you happen to arrive for lunch in the middle of the day. Beyond the incredible meal, Baker’s Hill is pretty beautiful. Peacocks that love to flaunt their plumage can be seen there, along with adorable life-size Disney statues that the locals adore and a gorgeous garden that’s ideal for a balmy afternoon.

Tubbataha Reef National Marine Park

Amazing Tubbataha Reef The National Marine Park is located in the Sulu Sea off the coast of Palawan. With its light blue and white coloring, this park may appear from above to be a sandy island, but it is actually a vast reef that was only found by a group of divers in the 1970s. Due to its remote position, divers who wish to obtain a close-up view must enroll in a live-aboard boat and spend a few days on the water. The journey is worthwhile if you want to view the wildlife in its natural setting. Green sea turtles, manta rays, 11 types of sharks, lots of colorful fish, and more can be found in and around the reef in large numbers.

Scuba Diving in El Nido

If you think what you can see from above is incredible, go scuba diving at Bacuit Bay. It should come as no surprise that the dive sites in El Nido have an abundance of marine life and exciting topography, such as a 12-meter underwater tunnel and a 50-meter underwater cliff. Expect to encounter creatures like fully mature green sea turtles and spotted manta rays. If you go diving at night, you can encounter even more elusive animals like seahorses, prawns, and cat sharks. All of the diving courses are reasonably priced here.

Beaches of El Nido

Beaches of El Nido

The province of El Nido in the north of Palawan, is home to some of the world’s most stunning beaches. Every beach, with its white, fluffy sand, turquoise ocean, and several tall limestone cliffs around it, is more picturesque than the one before it. Visit Secret Beach, which is tucked away in a quiet cove; Nacpan Beach, which is 4 kilometers long and has smooth sand and coconut trees; Pangalusian Beach, which looks like something out of a postcard, Las Cabanas Beach, which has warm water that’s ideal for swimming; and so on.

Estrella Falls

Estrella Falls has one of the easiest-to-use plunge pools of all the waterfalls on the island. As they crash off a rocky ledge, these two 20-foot rapid waterfalls cascade down Victoria Peak, flooding the clear, blue basin below. The water continues to flow downstream into two further pools of different depths from the clear pool. There is a lot of room to run around and play. Estrella Falls are located in the hamlet of Narra, which is 95 kilometers south of Puerto Princesa. To travel the 2.5-hour distance, hire a private car or stop at Estrella Falls en route to Palawan’s southernmost point.

Ugong Rock Adventures

Ugong Rock is a beautiful natural feature just north of Puerto Princessa. It is wild and makes a funny noise when you tap it. Travelers love Ugong Rock Adventures, a tour company that has made this structure a triple threat of thrilling fun. Spelunking involves crawling in and out of rock caverns. Ziplining sends you flying through the forest at high speeds. Trekking through the jungle on purposeful pathways that lead to breathtaking sights.

Island Hop in Honda Bay

The capital of Palawan is 45 minutes from Honda Bay, where you can take a cruise to different islands that will fulfill all of your vacation dreams. You’ll visit Verde Island, where the renowned Dos Palmas resort is located, as well as Pandan Island, Cowrie Island, Luli Island, and Starfish Island. These islands all have breathtaking white sand beaches with turquoise seas that are so lovely that you could start to cry. In Honda Bay, where you may snorkel, explore the inland of the islands, and splash around in the ocean, you can spend the entire day island hopping. For your vacation, these tours often include lunch and snacks.

Eat Tamilok


Wait until you feast your eyes on Tamilok if you thought balut was an absurd food to consume. This delicacy from the Philippines comes from a species of mollusc that dwells inside mangrove trees. With their lengthy, slimy bodies, Tamilok could initially appear more like a bowl of worms. On Palawan Island, there are a lot of restaurants that serve Tamilok, but if you’re looking for a place that also serves some incredible foods to wash the salt from your mouth, try Kinabuchs restaurant on Rizal Avenue in Puerto Princesa.

San Jose Market

Renting a kitchen-equipped AirBnB? Do you feel like cooking? Visit San Jose Market in Puerto Princessa, where you can pick up a variety of freshly caught fish, shrimp, clams, and squid to take home. Lots of chopped-up meat, pork, and chicken are available for consumption. Whole pigs are also available, but I doubt they would fit in your oven. With tons of green stuff to buy, some of which you might not recognize and must just take a chance on, side dishes are simple to prepare. Not a fan of cooking? There are no longer any stands cooking fresh fish at San Jose Market for immediate consumption.

Puerto Princesa City Tour

Discover a day’s worth of sights in one! Although it may seem hurried and miserable, that’s not the case! This is a very effective method to get around the city, made possible by your knowledgeable local tour guide. The Immaculate Conception Cathedral, the WWI Plaza Cuartel, Baker’s Hill for treats, Mitra’s Ranch to visit the horses, the Crocodile Farm, and other historical sites are just a few of the places you’ll see on this Puerto Princessa City Tour as you pedal around the city in a comfortable tricycle taxi. You are always welcome to request a stop for a meal, a snack, or shopping!

Underground river

Underground river
Charima312017CC BY-SA 4.0

One of the longest underground rivers in the world, at 8.2 kilometers of flowing water! The underground river in Palawan, which has been dubbed the “7th New Wonder of the Natural World,” is a must-see. After a brief trek through the jungle, during which monkeys will appear and beg you for food, you will arrive at small boats at the cave’s entrance. Paddle together through caves with bats hanging from the ceiling as you work together. Your knowledgeable guide will teach you everything you need to know while you travel. Be aware that, due to their popularity, these tours may sell out several days in advance. Make a reservation with a tour company online to start planning your trip.

Palawan Wildlife Rescue and Conservation Center

The Palawan Wildlife Rescue and Conservation Center is a safe place for animals that are in danger, hurt, or left behind. It is only 20 minutes from Puerto Princessa by car. The institution is committed to the advancement and education of the local animal species. One such place is the Crocodile Farm, which raises numerous baby crocodiles until they are adults. If not, the species may have difficulty surviving past its juvenile stage in the wild. If you’re lucky, you’ll catch a glimpse of several enormous Palawan crocodiles in their natural habitat while they’re feeding. There are a lot of interesting bird species, like eagles, hawks, and hornbills, as well as an educational museum.

Starfish Island

Starfish Island

Starfish Island is filled with starfish doing what they do best, as if you couldn’t tell from the name. Be careful where you step when you stroll along the shoreline and swim in the ocean. Starfish of all different colors and varieties are lazing about all around you. There are several of the orange starfish with black horns that you can see. Although toxic, these starfish are harmless to people. There are also the slim Blue Linckia starfish with a royal blue color, the Pebbled Sea Star starfish with brown and tan spots, and hopefully a lot more.