
15 Best Things to Visit in Zhengzhou (China)

Zhengzhou, the capital of Henan province, is a roughly eight million-person city that is located in the geographic center of China. Zhengzhou is one of the less-visited cities in China. It has the most people and is known as the birthplace of Chinese civilization. The city also has a lot of modern cultures, unique food, beautiful buildings, and stunning natural beauty in the area around the Yellow River. When you go to Zhengzhou, you can take advantage of its many attractions, such as the ancient temples, the rumored “ghost town” neighborhood of Zhengdong, the busy markets, the regional specialties, and the beautiful countryside outside of the city. Let’s investigate the top activities in Zhengzhou:

Zhengzhou Confucian Temple

The Zhengzhou Confucian Temple, which is close to the city’s heart and located in a lovely structure, is a reflection of the tradition of reverencing Confucius and other sages. Visitors to the Confucian Temple come to see the Dacheng Hall’s ornamentation, the Jade Emperor’s multicolored artwork on the structure (which depicts the Taoist deity and the legends of the Three Kingdoms), and the sacrifice rituals that are held there twice a year in the spring and fall.

Erqi Night Market

Erqi night market in Zhengzhou is a well-liked late-night dining choice for tourists since it provides a variety of cheap street food alternatives. The city’s hub, Erqi Square, comes to life every night with a lively atmosphere and plenty of entertainment, so don’t only go there for the food.

City God Temple

The City God Temple is a sizable and intricate ancient temple that is the biggest in Henan Province and is located in Zhengzhou City on the northern side of Shangcheng Road. The building was built in the early Ming Dynasty (1368–1644) to protect a Daoist deity. However, both natural disasters and human actions destroyed the original building. But what’s left of the temple is still beautiful, and people come from all over to look at the art on The Happy Building, explore the different buildings, and take part in the many folk art and craft fairs that happen there. The temple is convenient to access and normally free to visit, unless a temple fair is taking place, in which case inexpensive tickets must be purchased.

Zhengzhou Ferris Wheel

The Zhengzhou Ferris Wheel, which is situated in Renmin Park, used to be the second-tallest Ferris Wheel in the world and the tallest in China (after the London Eye). Nowadays, there are three others of equal size and one taller in China alone, but a ride on the Zhengzhou Ferris Wheel is a refreshingly different way to view the city and definitely one of the best things to do in Henan’s capital.

Guoliang Village

Despite its difficulty, Guoliang Village is well worth the effort. Before it was linked to the province, the village could only be reached by steps cut into a very steep cliff. The stairway was given the nickname “Sky Ladder” because of the elevation of the settlement and the difficulty of the climb. Now, people visit Guoliang Village to see the “Sky Ladder” and admire the bravery it took to build such a dangerous stairway. The region has a beautiful landscape, and the locals are friendly and curious about visitors. It is a pretty uncommon destination to visit because the village is entirely made of stone. You must take a train from Zhengzhou to Xinxiang and then a bus to Huxian Bus Station to get to the village. You can catch a bus to the Wanxianshan Scenic Area from here. Both the park and the settlement can currently be reached on foot. Detailed driving instructions are provided below if you intend to travel there:

Eat Hui Mian

Hui Mian
Hui Mian

One of the most well-known noodle dishes in China, hui mian, hails from Henan Province. Don’t go to Zhengzhou without trying some of the city’s specialties, like the mutton and beef noodles (yangrouhuimian and niurouhuimian, respectively), which you can find in restaurants and food stands all over the city.

Shang Dynasty Ruins

Shang Dynasty Ruins
Shang Dynasty Ruins

Shang Dynasty Ruins are a must-see for anyone who is interested in Chinese history from a long time ago. They are intact portions of an old wall from 3500 years ago, when China’s Shang Dynasty was in power, and are easily accessible by bus from the city center. Many tourists to Zhengzhou marvel at the enormous scale of the city’s walls, which are a great place to spend a few hours while touring the area.

Antique Market

The Zhengzhou Antique Market is close to the city center and is one of the largest antique and handicraft markets in China. It is so big that it is really two separate markets! While the North City is home to furniture dealers, a food court, and conference facilities, the South City is where the majority of antiques and handicrafts are collected. Any collectors or fans of antiques or furniture must go there! If you intend to make purchases, you should be aware that there are some limitations on the types of antiques you can export from China. For example, you cannot export objects that are over 200 years old or that are valued at a particular amount. Do your research before making any purchases to prevent losing your new purchases at customs!

Zhongyuan Tower

A well-liked tourist destination in Zhengzhou is the 388-meter Zhongyuan Tower, which is situated in the heart of the city. The tower was one of the twenty highest structures in the world in 2012, after it was built in 2011. It now has a high observation deck, a restaurant that moves around, and a modern TV tower. It’s a fantastic location for a fine lunch or to take in the expansive view of the city and nearby province.

Orient Shopping Center

Orient Shopping Center

Have you ever pondered what a mall might look like without shoppers? In the “ghost town” of Zhengdong, the Orient Shopping Center is home to a variety of “shells” of stores that already have signs up. After walking around the mall, you’ll definitely start to believe the “ghost town” rumors, even though other shopping malls nearby will quickly disprove this idea. The creepy, almost-post-apocalyptic Orient Shopping Center shows how China has grown in an interesting way.

Novotel Tower

The Novotel Tower in the Zhengdong neighborhood may come to mind if asked to choose a symbol of Zhengzhou. The tower became famous when the neighborhood of the city was called a “ghost town” on the TV show 60 Minutes. According to the TV program, Zhengdong, like other regions in China, is developing ahead of schedule because the government is building towns without the resources to occupy them, leaving areas where nobody actually lives. Modern architecture like that of the Novotel Tower has become a symbol of the city of Zhengzhou and is a must-see for tourists in the area. However, since the infamous TV program, numerous writers and photographers have visited Zhengdong and demonstrated that the broad claim made is not entirely true.

Yellow River Scenic Area

The Yellow River Scenic Area, which is northwest of the city, has five beautiful places in it. Five Dragons Peak, which features ornate pavilions and breathtaking views of the river, is named after a group of five mountains. Yu the Great is depicted as dominating the Camel Mountain Range. the Purple Golden Pavilion and the Peony Garden at Yueshan Temple The Ancient City of Liu Bang and Xiang Lu, which is strewn with statues of battle horses and soldiers, and the Stone Figures of Yandi and Huangdi, who are thought to be the forefathers of the Chinese, China’s second-largest river, the Yellow River, is regarded as the cradle of Chinese civilization.

Have a Typical Henan Breakfast of Hulatang

Even if soup for breakfast isn’t for everyone, it’s the most popular breakfast option in Henan province and should be tried at least once while you’re there! There are numerous eateries dotted across the city that will gladly give you a warm bowl of this dish in the morning. The typical ingredients include beef broth, capsicum, and black pepper.

Northern Song Dynasty Imperial Tombs

Northern Song Dynasty Imperial Tombs
Northern Song Dynasty Imperial Tombs

The imperial tombs from the Song Dynasty are nestled between Songshan Mountain to the south and the Yellow River to the north. They offer stunning views in a peaceful rural setting and a unique look into the lives of the emperors from that time. On the property, there are eight tombs: seven belong to the Song Dynasty emperors, and one belongs to the first emperor’s father. Buses leave the Zhengzhou coach station every 30 minutes, and going to the tombs is a great day trip from the city.

Zhengdong New District Financial Center

Zhengdong New District Financial Center
District Financial Center

The Zhengdong New District Financial Center is an interesting location for anyone interested in contemporary Chinese culture and architecture, even if it may not be your standard tourist attraction. The neighborhood was recently designed using Shanghai’s Pudong District as inspiration. This is said to be the heart of the “ghost town” Zhengdong, but a tour of the financial district, which isn’t very busy but does show signs of life, disproves this claim. If you like cityscapes, you’ll get a great view of Zhengdong with its interesting modern architecture. This will give you a fascinating look at Chinese society, the economy, and architecture in the present day.